These objects, made by ordinary people and from ordinary materials, were created in secrecy at Theresienstadt and hold special meaning for Lotte.

Theresienstadt Money
Example of worthless money created by the Nazis for the Jews in an effort to fool the Red Cross into thinking that the interned were under the contract of gainful employment. Each bill features the following warning in German: “Whoever counterfeits, falsifies, or circulates counterfeit versions of this bill will be strongly punished.” Notice the…

M284 Charm
Metal charm with Lotte’s transport number, M284.

Pendant with Hard Labor Carving
Shows workers in the cleaning brigade.

Dreaming of Food Pendant
Lotte recalled, “It was Christmas-time and we were hungry, so we improvised.” The pendant shows her transport number, M284.

Thermos Charm
The thermos was a daily staple to hold hot water, coffee, or soup.

Ring with Lotte’s Initials
Given to Lotte by Ernest for her birthday.

Metal and Glass Ring
Given to Lotte by Ernest for their anniversary, with the date engraved inside.

Charm Bracelet
Given to Lotte by Ernest after the Germans confiscated all of her jewelry.

Theresienstadt Charm
This metal charm shows the Theresienstadt coat of arms.

Leather Change Purse
At Theresienstadt, Lotte kept all of her little items in this small wallet.

Used by Ernest to judge soccer matches.

Cachou Box
While this box originally contained breath mints, Lotte used it to contain small belongings during the war.

Panflavin Pillbox
Note that the pillbox contains the logo for Bayer, a German pharmaceutical company best known for producing aspirin. During the war, Bayer’s parent company, I.G. Farbin, used Jewish slaves at its factories and invested in the company that made gas for the extermination camps.