Drawings and collage from Unapologetic Zine

Two pages from the zine “Unapologetic”, produced in 1997. [1]

Aside from fulfilling the giving side of the resource role once you’d gotten to a place in your transition you were happy with, what else could you do? You could make art! You could help other people make art! These two pages demonstrate some of the delight and joy to be found in being trans and the creativity it can inspire, from a drawing intended to become a sticker saying “I’m no mistake! I am all of who I am!” to practical applications of used hormone bottles. Despise all the hardship along the journey and yes, the hardship to come, there is joy, delight, pride, creativity, and freedom associated with gender transition.

[1] Anne Tagonist, “Unapologetic #1,” pamplet, 1997, Queer Zine Archive, https://archive.qzap.org/index.php/Detail/Object/Show/object_id/219.