Women's Rites

A Podcast about Women's Ordination

Episode 1: Women as Episcopal Priests

This episode features the stories of three women ordained in The Episcopal Church. Their stories reveal some of the rich diversity of experiences of ordained Episcopal women. For example, the first interviewee, Rev. Molly Scherm, was ordained in 1978, only a few years after the first Episcopal women were ordained. Immediately after her ordination, Rev. Scherm faced significant opposition from her local parish, only to become one of its priests decades later. The second interviewee, Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, was ordained a priest in 1997 and became the first African American woman elected to be a diocesan bishop (2016). She’s also  an alumna of Smith College (’88). Finally, the Rev. Julianne Buenting is a Catholic convert and former nun who wrote a PhD dissertation on queer theology before serving as an interim rector to parishes in Chicago, Northampton, and Washington D.C.

Featured interviewees: Rev. Molly Scherm, Bishop Jennifer Baskerville Burrows (’88), Rev. Julianne Buenting

Written and produced by: Audrey Greaves (’22) and Vivian Jacobs (’23)

Duration: 19:24

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