Instructor’s Note

Over the years, students have produced amazing work in ENG 110, Writers on Writing, but this is the first time I’ve attempted to capture it for both a general audience and for posterity.  I’m very proud of the students who produced the work published here, and also of all students past.  For seven weeks, students work unrelentingly hard without complaining.  We meet on Thursday evening, when they get an assignment.  They post their pieces by the end of the day on Monday, and comment on each other’s pieces by the end of the day on Tuesday.  They prepare for the next class on Wednesday and start all over again on Thursday.  They write and revise constantly–for 1 credit.  I’d also like to give big thanks to Jonathan Ruseski, the Jacobson Center’s webmaster extraordinaire, without whom this site would not have been possible.

-Julio Alves