
Have your own recipe that you want to share? Find something that you have questions about? Have a suggestion?

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  1. Mary Roper Boxley|

    Hi Clare,
    Your grandmother Anne is my first cousin. Her dad and my dad were brothers. I, like Anne, have a granddaughter Claire (a junior at Wheaton).
    Your grandmother sent this in an email
    . I love this presentation you have done! I recognize the handwriting of Sarah Fleming Gilliam (my aunt) and Eulalie Thornburg (my grandmother). What fun to also see the recipes from Eulalie Green. I’ve only seen photos of her. The photos you used are all so familiar to me on the Roper side, and I have fond memories of Grandmother Eulalie making her favorite pies and the best meals I’ve ever eaten cooked by my Aunt Sarah, your great grandmother. You have given me a wonderful gift in this project. Congratulations on this wonderful project – and your graduation. So glad to be your relative!
    Best wishes, Mary Roper Boxley

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