Old-Fashioned Buckwheat Cakes


3 3/4 cups buckwheat flour

1 teaspoonful salt

1 teaspoonful molasses

Then slowly mix in the quart of water from which the chill has been taken, and 1/2 yeast cake, dissolved in the tablespoonful tepid water.

Beat batter until smooth and light – cover jar with saucer & stand in fairly warm place over night.

In the morning dissolve 1/2 teaspoon [baking] soda in two tablespoonfuls of hot water, stir this into the buckwheat batter, beat thoroughly and bake at oven.

A cupful of this batter may be saved and added to the cakes of [?] instead of using fresh yeast cake.

Written by Eulalie Thornburg

attributed to her mother, Mary Eulalie Green