Here, we see some of Lygia Clark’s participatory pieces brought to life through retrospectives. These videos are meant to give a clearer sense of the process and the tone of her interactive works.
Mascaras Sensoriais
Lygia Clark’s “Mascaras Sensoriais,” part of her Nostalgia of the Body series, put the participant in a position to experience reality through an altered perspective.
In Clark’s Baba Antropofagica proposition, participants unspool thread from spools they hold in their mouths onto another participant that lies on the ground.
Réde de Elasticos
In “Redé de Elasticos,” or “Net of Elastic,” participants create a net of rubber bands and then gather under the net to create movement and interact with one another.
Túnel,” one of Lygia Clark’s propositions, involves participants making their way through a cloth tunnel and emerging; though it may seem silly, the emergence from envelopment the process of birth and provided an opportunity for participants to interact in an unusual way.
Eu e o Tu
“Eu e o Tu” is a proposition that creates a strange and intimate interaction between two participants, described by Clark as “psychosexual.” The textures found inside the suits were meant to evoke emotion in participants through this exploratory experience.
In this proposition, “Canibalísmo,” blindfolded participants removed fruit from a pocket in a bodysuit, eating it and feeding it to the person in the suit. This work was meant to suggest the unsettling illusion of the group feeding off of the person on the floor.