Please meet our brave adventurers who dare to research medieval history! It’s not easy to slay dragons (or heavy library books), but hey, it’s honest work.

Lilith Cole '24, posing in front of a poster for her 2022 Spring Shakespeare show she directed, Measure for Measure.

Lilith Cole ’24, posing in front of a poster for her 2022 Fall Shakespeare show she directed, “Measure for Measure”.

Lilith Cole

She/Her, ’24 Lilith Cole is a Medieval Studies and English Language and Literature double major and a Book Studies concentrator who loves being in CODEX. In her free time she enjoys acting for the stage, scheming, and playing a multitudinous variety of games. She is a junior from Tasmania, Australia.

Projects: Dies Legibles, ARCgis mapping


Romy Negrin '24 navigates a real ship!

Romy Negrin ’24 navigates a real ship!

Romy Negrin

She/Her, ’24 Romy (left, actually steering an actual ship) grew up on the sea among a crew of cat sailors, captained by Edith (right; yes, Romy isn’t even the captain). She came ashore to major in Medieval Studies at Smith, where she is now a junior. Romy is the other co-director of Measure for Measure, and appreciates the chance to brazenly plug the show. This is her second semester in CODEX.
Projects: ARCgis mapping, MEDIEVAL DISABILITY


Tenaya Fottrell '25 wearing a sun & moon jacket they embroidered themself!

Tenaya Fottrell ’25 wearing a sun & moon jacket they embroidered themself!

Tenaya Fottrell

They/Them, ’25 Tenaya Fottrell, if asked, would describe themself as a nerd first and foremost. As a Medieval Studies major and English literature minor, they are perpetually delighted by all things dead language (and some living ones, as a treat) and crusading military history. If they aren’t actively hyped about one of their D&D campaigns, something might be up, but if this happens, don’t worry; they just need to wander around the woods or go out dancing and everything will be fine.
Projects: STUPOR MUNDI, black sea iconography, archives

Audrey Bloom ’25 sits on a stripey couch that compliments her stripey dress.

Audrey Bloom

She/Her, ’25 Audrey is a junior history and education major with a museums concentration. She works as a student museum educator at the Smith College Museum of Art. In her free time, she enjoys sewing, matching the furniture, and finding cats to befriend.

Projects: AHA Visualization

Madelyn Halperin '25 wears a fun fuzzy hat in Neilson Library.

Madelyn Halperin ’25 wears a fun fuzzy hat in Neilson Library.

Madelyn Halperin

She/Her, ’25J Madelyn Halperin is a first semester sophomore majoring in Government and Middle Eastern Studies. She is concentrating specifically on International Politics and Religion within these majors; in particular, Madelyn has an interest in the Arab-Israeli Conflict and world religions throughout history. Born in Sarasota, Florida, outside of scholastic pursuits, Madelyn enjoys the beach and playing rugby.

Simone Tricca '25, a masterpiece, stands with other works of art.

Simone Tricca ’25, a masterpiece, stands with other works of art.

Simone Tricca

They/Them, ’25 Simone Tricca is a history student with a museums concentration and prospective Russian minor and has found the perfect combination of all three in Russian icons. They are also interested in garment construction and folk dance, inside and outside academic settings. In their free time, Simone enjoys plotting, scheming, and forcing their friends to eat cookies.


Amy Vo '25 asks himself: "Could I possibly be the second coming of King Arthur?"

Amy Vo ’25 asks himself: “Could I possibly be the second coming of King Arthur?”

Amy Vo

He/She, ’25 Amy Vo is on an eternal quest to become a knight, so she’s declared in Medieval Studies with a concentration in Arthurian literature. Perhaps you’ve heard tales of his tendency to collect shiny objects, or songs of her unparalleled commitment to keeping chivalry alive. Nonetheless, you can find Amy spending his money unwisely, preparing for the biggest duel of her life, and romancing his friends in D&D outside of CODEX.
Projects: ARCHIVES, STUPOR MUNDI, frederick II mapping

Jenny Yang '25 safely posing by an unknown ocean with a bright smile on her face!

Jenny Yang ’25 safely posing by an unknown ocean with a bright smile on her face!

Jenny Yang

She/Her, ’25 Jenny Yang is a History and French double major from Quincy, MA. She is excited to continue her work in the lab this semester. Because of this lab, she was also convinced to take a Medieval French literature class and it is going very well! Outside of CODEX, Jenny works as a student assistant at Hillyer Art Library and is always continuously experimenting with new recipes in her house’s kitchen.

Dalia Cohen '26J proves Newton right: gravity is real!

Dalia Cohen ’26J proves Newton right: gravity is real!

Dalia Cohen

She/Her, ’26J Dalia Cohen is a sophomore History major from Cambridge, Massachusetts. In her free time, Dalia enjoys reading, acting in musicals, and listening to her friends talk about their cats for hours on end. This is her second semester in the CODEX lab and her first semester as editor-in-chief of Dies Legibiles!

Fern Poling '25 poses with their cat, Toby, who seems to express anger with their narrowed amber eyes.

Fern Poling ’25 poses with their cat, Toby.

Fern Poling

They/She, ’25 Fern is a Geobiology major with a minor in Medieval studies. In CODEX, Fern has worked on Stupor Mundi, Mapping of Acre, and currently is doing alchemy. When not looking at fossils, you can find Fern knitting, contra dancing, or tending to her houseplants.

Stella Metcalf ’26 sports a snazzy fuzzy hat/scarf combo!

Stella Metcalf

She/Her, ’25 Stella is a History and Middle East studies major. Some of her favorite books are Pnin by Nabokov, One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Beloved by Toni Morrison, and Middlemarch by George Eliot. Her academic interests include apocalyptic cults, the “First Crusade,” and Islamism in 1970s Egypt.
Projects:aha visualization, dies legibles

Adriana C. van Manen reads an unknown book, deep in thought.

Adriana C. van Manen reads an unknown book, deep in thought about how awesome her next outfit will look.

Adriana C. van Manen

She/Her,  Ada (’25) Adriana is majoring in Art History with a Medieval Studies minor. This past summer, she was a curatorial intern at the International Center of Photography. Outside of the CODEX Lab, she enjoys horseback riding and hanging out with her cats, Artemisia and Giotto.


Raley (’25) basking in the sunshine!

Raley Long

She/Her, ’25 Raley is a junior double majoring in History and Statistical & Data Sciences. Her academic interest lies in the familial and social relationships during antiquity and the early middle ages. She is also interested in how modern data analytical software can be used to inform historical investigations. In her free time, Raley enjoys listening to music, reading novels, and when back home in Florida, going to the beach.

Projects: AHA Visualization