Girls Just Wanna Have Fun! Reimagining Feminine Desire and Consumption in Mrs. Dalloway

Referencing Virginia Woolf’s work Mrs. Dalloway, Boulanger eloquently carries the reader through a current critique of societal takes on feminine consumerism. Since Woolf’s times, she argues, the reductionist, frivolous views of stereotypically feminine shopping habits actually map quite clearly onto both the feminist pursuits of belonging, agency, and emotional freedom as well as onto the […]

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Meaning in the Minutiae: Melancholia and Privilege of the Twentieth-Century Housewife

Through a cross-disciplinary analysis of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Shivani Sawant investigates themes of domestic melancholia, patriarchal oppression, class structure, and intersectional identity. Engaging texts from queer feminist scholar Sara Ahmed and Freudian scholar David Eng with Woolf’s narrative, Sawant highlights main character Mrs. Dalloway’s privilege in her coinciding ignorance and romanticization of her unfulfilled […]

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