ENCO Breaks New Ground with NDI® Support in Live Captioning Workflows

March 30, 2018 by Chuck Baker

enCaption4 live automated speech-to-text captioning system joins the growing NDI® video-over-IP ecosystem

ENCO has announced that its award-winning enCaption4 automated captioning solution has joined the global NDI community to provide turnkey closed or open captions on live video. With its powerful, real-time speech-to-text engine, enCaption4 is an on-premise or cloud-based solution for generating the accurate live captioning that live TV and online video require. For the first time, broadcasters, content producers and commercial AV facilities with an NDI infrastructure can add an automated captioning solution into their workflows.

Once connected, enCaption4 can automatically generate captions through its NDI input stream, and output an NDI signal with captions keyed directly on top of the video stream. This capability simplifies the captioning workflow by eliminating the need for specialized encoding hardware.

“With the growing popularity of NDI, we added NDI support based on customer demand. With NDI support, we’re making it easier for TV networks, local stations and non-traditional broadcasters such as corporations, schools and universities, houses of worship, and webcasters to use our automated captioning solutions within their real-time NDI productions.” – Ken Frommert, President of ENCO.

NewTek’s royalty-free NDI standard for IP video production allows video and audio sources to be shared bi-directionally across a standard network, eliminating the need for costly direct connections, expensive cable runs, and infrastructure upgrades while turning every source into a destination instantly available anywhere on the network.

At the upcoming NABShow 2018 taking place from April 9-12, 2018 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, ENCO will demonstrate enCaption4 with this new NDI capability alongside the software-defined solution’s breakthrough accuracy, accelerated speed, extremely low latency, and expanded foreign language support.

Read the complete story at Creative Cow: ENCO Breaks New Ground with NDI Support in Live Captioning Workflows