Smith Students write a Letter to the Editor on Koinonia, Georgia

February 27, 1958

Smith Students write a Letter to the Editor on Koinonia, Georgia

Koinonia Farm was created in 1942 in Georgia as an intentionally diverse community focused on working through racial, class, and educational tension through communal living and non violence. In a letter to the editor, a group of Smithies, who signed their names at the end of their letter, wrote to inform students to the issues facing the town. Because of its location in a segregationist state, the KKK had been protesting Koinonia’s integrationist stance since the Supreme Court decision on Brown vs. Board of Education. In April of 1957 the town’s county accused the town of creating the damages caused by the Ku Klux Klan for financial gain. Accusations of communism and rising tensions threatened the town’s farming enterprises as well. The Smith students who wrote to the Sophian desired for other students to consider the situation in Koinonia and its implications for the nation.

Koinonia Marches On In Spite Of Segregation

[Last updated on October 8, 2018]