Referendum on Vietnam in Amherst announced

February 23, 1967

Referendum on Vietnam in Amherst announced

(Date is for when it was reported in the Sophian)

Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) announced plans to sponsor a door-to-door referendum on the Vietnam war in Amherst the week of April 21st. The referendum was to publicize opposition to the war through a survey of public opinion; they planned to send copies of the signatures to state and federal officials. Smith students also participated, one noting that “One of the greatest problems in the student peace movement has been that of finding meaningful modes of involvement that will carry the students beyond the level of demonstrations, teach-ins, and discussions…”

SDS Holds Referendum: Seeks Viet Nam Opinion

Canvassers Conduct Viet Nam Survey In Amherst Community

[Last updated on October 13, 2018]