All-college teach-in held on apartheid in South Africa

March 6, 1986

All-college teach-in held on apartheid in South Africa

As had been proposed by the students occupying College Hall, day classes were canceled so that a teach-in on apartheid in South Africa could be held for the College community. President Dunn introduced the morning session. Her speech was followed by a showing of Last Grave at Dimbaza, a 1977 film illegally shot in South Africa. Afterward, there were two more speakers: Professor Peter DeVilliers, a Smith psychology professor who had grown up in South Africa, and Joel Carlson, Nelson Mandela’s lawyer. Board of Trustees Chairman Euphemia Steffey introduced the afternoon session. Trustees and members of the Ethical Divestment Committee had a panel discussion moderated by SGA president Kathy Moon, and Steffey announced that a new committee comprised of eight trustees, five students, and three faculty members would meet about the divestment issue in early April to recommend further action.

The full Sophian article on the morning session can be found here (1, 3).

The full Sophian article on the afternoon session can be found here.

[Last updated on October 28, 2018]