Report Card

Pictured here is a report card for a student in the first grade of a girls school in 1915. It is typical of the prewar and war period in Germany in that the large sections on the left evaluate the student’s behavior and personal traits.

Young Kathy, whose report card this is, received a “very good” (the highest grade) in “Behavior”. She only received a “good” (equivalent of a “B”) for “Diligence and Attention in Class”. She once again excelled, however, in the category “Orderliness” with a “very good” and missed only 1 day of school. The subjects she took in first grade are listed on the right: Religion, German, Composition, Reading, Literature, Handwriting, Math, History, Geography, the Study of Nature, French, Drawing, Singing, Crafts and Physical Education. These grades were in the “B” to “B-” range.