Die AuswanderernHallen der Hamburg-America Linie in Hamburg

This booklet was prepared in 1904 for those emigrating from Germany and other
Central European nations through the port of Hamburg. In addition to an outline
of the facilities, there is also a chart listing the yearly number of persons traveling
with the ships of this company between 1831 and 1903 as well as the number of
trips made by the ships of the Hamburg-Amerika Line each year. On average
between 700 and 1,000 ships departed for America each year in the latter half of
the 19th century, with the number of passengers reaching yearly highs of 141,000
in 1891 and 144,000 in 1903.

The facilities in the Waiting Halls included cafeterias, a medical station, two
hotels, baths, disinfection stations, as well as a Catholic chapel, an Evangelical
Lutheran chapel and a Jewish synagogue.