Documenting digitization decisions

image of rows of archival boxes, image of box of microfilm, image of three photographs


As the project winds down to a close (or up to the release!), we will be sharing and documenting decisions made over the course of the project.The goal here is to share decisions that will be helpful to understanding our workflow, and we hope will they be useful to those undertaking similar digitization and description projects. Continue reading

Forming new partnerships

As I begin the process of working on the metadata for serials I’d like to note a bit about the decision to describe them bibliographically. This decision was made to align the project with future unit practices and to pilot the workflows and implementation. Working with Lou Bouley in Discovery and Access, we will be developing the best ways to share the work of MARC description.

Each title is getting one title level MARC record that will contain a link to the digital object viewable in Compass (the newly developed 5C digital library). Working through Digital Strategies and Services we are working through the best way to view each title on Compass including how the tree structure of each title will be represented.

While collaboration is not new, documenting these new workflows is an important part of the grant and helps maintain the flow of information across units. As the project wraps up and the final decisions are made I’ll share those documentations and processes on this blog.

several issues of The YWCA Magazine fanned out on a table

Project update

A quick update for what’s coming up for the new year.

  • Microfilm metadata is finished! We are now working with our Digital Libraries Applications Administrator on ingest and Jasmine and I are working through some final data clean up. More to come on ingest as we work through the process.
  • Photograph description is proceeding well in ArchivesSpace and will wrap up early 2018. Then onto working through associating the digital objects.
  • Bibliographic description of the digitized serials progresses as well and will also wrap up in early 2018 (I still have to get used to writing that!)

It’s hard to believe we are in the final stretch of the project! I can’t wait to share published product with everyone and see the materials in action.

photograph of woman standing outside possibly on top of hill or mountain stretching arms wide