The Talmud in Kiddushin asks an important question: “Which is greater: learning or action?” The Talmud’s question makes it clear that both have spiritual importance (or it would have been worded differently) but the question is examining the relative importance of each. The Talmud provides a clear answer: “Learning is greater because learning leads to action.” This has informed Jewish culture by making literacy a primary focus in Jewish parenting and life. Learning is a lifelong process, open to every Jew at any point in their lives. Here are opportunities to supplement those available through the Department of Jewish Studies.
B Mitzvah Cohort Forming
Through a generous gift, we are forming the third cohort of Smith’s B Mitzvah program. B Mitzvah is a gender neutral term for Bat or Bnai Mitzvah, the celebration of reaching Jewish adulthood. It offers students the opportunity to celebrate a B Mitzvah with peers. Note for interested Juniors: After this year the program will shift to every other spring (so we won’t do it again until 2027). We will learn/review the Hebrew alphabet, study about the ceremony and morning service, learn skills for Torah reading (and services if students have interest), and learn how to study Torah and commentaries in order to write a short Dvar Torah (teaching). Rabbi Bruce will teach the cohort with Lux Onigman tutoring individual students. The group will tentatively meet weekly on Sunday evenings with the ceremony likely happening on April 5. Please email bbrombergseltzer@smith.edu with questions or to sign up.
Jewish Culture Initiative
We are exploring the diversity of Jewish cultures through hands-on workshops (for example: cooking classes about a particular Jewish cuisine or poetry workshops with Jewish poets). We started this semester with an exploration of Jewish music during a visit to Northampton by Pizmon from Columbia University, Barnard College, and JTS (the oldest collegiate Jewish acapella group). Pizmon’s visit this past weekend included a Saturday evening Seudah Shlishit (the afternoon meal towards the end of Shabbat) and Havdalah (the brief service to transition from Shabbat back to the week). I hope this visit can create more opportunities for Jewish singing.
(Picture: Havdalah With Pizmon in Bodman Lounge on Feb. 1, 2025)
Weekly Salon on Jewish Identity
We started a regular discussion series about the diversity of Jewish identities, titled Two Jews, Three Opinions, Unlimited Identities (Jewish Diversity at Smith and Beyond). This weekly salon will be an opportunity for Jewish students to explore their Jewish identity with each other and occasional special guests. This series happens each Wednesday in Bodman Lounge over lunch (12:15-1:15 pm). Bring a lunch. Drinks provided.
Alumnae donated a large number of new Jewish books. Make an appointment to meet with me to get a book (plan to meet again to discuss the book once you finish). We also have older books culled from our library including prayer books and humashim (Torah and Hafftarah arranged according to Torah reading cycle) that are available to build out your library.
Other Opportunities
If you have a particular topic you want to study (as an individual or small group, please let me know.
Our Rabbinic intern (and Smith alum) Abby Allen was just on campus and will be back next month. In the meantime, she would enjoy meeting with you by zoom. Email Abby at aballen@jtsa.edu to arrange a time to meet.
All of these opportunities to learn are open to any Smith student (the B Mitzvah cohort is open to all students but the ritual is limited to Jews). There is no required level of observance, political view, or knowledge base needed—just curiosity and an open mind (and heart).
I look forward to seeing you at one of these opportunities, around campus, or at Shabbat.
Let us learn together!
Rabbi Bruce
Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer is the Jewish Student Advisor at the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life.