Sexual Harassment and Corporate Law

“This Article examines the role of corporate and securities law in regulating and remedying workplace sexual misconduct.”
“We conclude that corporate and securities law can publicize the scope and severity of sexual harassment, incentivize proactive and productive interventions by corporate fiduciaries, and punish individuals and entities that commit, conceal, and abet sexual misconduct in the workplace.”

Sexual Harassment Law in the Age of Trump and #MeToo (2018)

A panel on the causes of, and solutions to, sexual harassment and discrimination in the age of Trump and #MeToo held April 10, 2018.
Tanya Hernández, Fordham Law School
Anna McNeil, Engender at Yale
Shannon Minter, National Center for Lesbian Rights
Vicki Schultz, Yale Law School
Cari Simon, The Fierberg National Law Group
Rachel Tuchman, #TimesUp
This event was cosponsored by Yale Law School, Engender, Yale Law Women, Latinx Law Students Association, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, First Generation Professionals, American Constitution Society, and Yale Law Democrats.
Vimeo/Yale Law School Video

Confirmation (2016)

Kerry Washington as Anita Hill
Confirmation takes a look behind the curtain of Washington politics, depicting the explosive 1991 Clarence Thomas Supreme Court nomination hearings where Anita Hill accused him of sexual harassment.”
HBO Film