New Rules Summit

Hosted by the New York Times and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists at the forefront of the gender and equality conversation, the New Rules Summit , held June 12-13 in Brooklyn, New York, “called on diverse leaders from across business, politics and culture to create a boldly inclusive vision of the workplace— and transform it into reality.”

Image result for new rules summit 2019

Sexual Harassment Law in the Age of Trump and #MeToo (2018)

A panel on the causes of, and solutions to, sexual harassment and discrimination in the age of Trump and #MeToo held April 10, 2018.
Tanya Hernández, Fordham Law School
Anna McNeil, Engender at Yale
Shannon Minter, National Center for Lesbian Rights
Vicki Schultz, Yale Law School
Cari Simon, The Fierberg National Law Group
Rachel Tuchman, #TimesUp
This event was cosponsored by Yale Law School, Engender, Yale Law Women, Latinx Law Students Association, Asian Pacific American Law Students Association, First Generation Professionals, American Constitution Society, and Yale Law Democrats.
Vimeo/Yale Law School Video

Sexual Harassment and Solidarity (Crain & Matheny 2018)

“In the waning months of 2017, Americans endured an almost daily barrage of news reports describing sexual harassment by powerful men in entertainment, media, politics and law. While sexual harassment had been headline news before — most notably, during the 1991 Anita Hill-Clarence Thomas debacle — never had so many victims joined hands and come forward demanding change. The media spotlight presented a tremendous opportunity to reframe sexual harassment from an individual, personal and idiosyncratic instance of sexual desire to a common abuse of gender and economic power affecting millions of working women and men on a daily basis…”

Crain, Marion G. and Matheny, Kenneth, Sexual Harassment and Solidarity (March 26, 2018). George Washington Law Review, Forthcoming; Washington University in St. Louis Legal Studies Research Paper No. 18-03-04.

Read the Full-Text Article (PDF)