Title VIII Harassment in Housing Regulation, 24 CFR s. 100.600 (2013)
The Fair Housing Act, 42 USC s. 3617
The Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. s.3604
Title VII Damages Provisions, 42 USC s.1981a (2012)
These provisions allow for punitive and compensatory damages
Title VII Enforcement Provisions, 42 USC s.2000e-5 (2012)
These provisions allow for equitable remedies, including back pay, and injunctive relief.
Complaints of Sexual Harassment: Investigation by Commanding Officers, 10 U.S.C. 1561
Complaints of Sexual Harassment: Investigation by Commanding Officers, 10 U.S.C. 1561
The above section of the United States Code informs military officers on how to conduct an investigation of an alleged complaint of sexual harassment. It additionally defines sexual harassment as it pertains to those investigations.
Without My Consent
Without My Consent is an organization fighting against online harassment. They maintain a state law data base and conduct a survey about online harassment.
Revenge Porn Laws
The Cyber Civil Rights Initiative maintains a list of revenge porn laws.
New Illinois Sexual Harassment Law
In August of 2019, the Illinois governor passed a new sexual harassment law, strengthening protections in several areas: Continue reading “New Illinois Sexual Harassment Law”