Mission Possible: Adapting Water Inquiry for the Preschool Age Group

In late spring, I was given the opportunity to partner with the Smith College Museum of Art to create and facilitate a water inquiry exploration for preschool-aged children, inspired by Maya Lin's "Mappings" collection. Photo Gallery Background / Context I spent my formative years at Seattle Country Day School, an inquiry-based school serving gifted students … Continue reading Mission Possible: Adapting Water Inquiry for the Preschool Age Group

The Shape of Winter: An Outdoor Puzzle

shape of winter worksheet

  Recognizing the stress that the pandemic continues to have on children, their families and educators, we hope this fresh end-of-winter "outdoor puzzle" will inspire your senses and imagination. What shapes of winter can you find outdoors, or through your window? Observe and record your findings, then create a piece of art combining shapes, sounds, … Continue reading The Shape of Winter: An Outdoor Puzzle

November 2018: Original Stories, New Members

We’re halfway through another semester here at Smith College, and the Water Inquiry team has been busy. Not only did we gain several new members, but we met several times during the month to discuss developments on projects new and old. Water Inquiry’s own Ruth Neils taught our first story, Inquiry, Inc. and The Case of … Continue reading November 2018: Original Stories, New Members

The Flow of “Big Ideas”: Third Grade River Inquiry at the Smith College Campus School

“Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder.” –E.B. White “That explains it!” one student exclaimed while looking under rocks on the banks of the Mill River.  It was a sunny afternoon in Northampton, Massachusetts, and Jan Szymaszek’s third grade class was rapt.  Autumn leaves drifted from branches, landing atop craggy boulders, or else … Continue reading The Flow of “Big Ideas”: Third Grade River Inquiry at the Smith College Campus School

New Ideas, New Members, New Stories!

As we gathered in late September to commence our first meeting of the 2017-18 Water Inquiry Story Project, much excitement was felt among old and new members alike. New members were eager to join a story-creating research group, and veteran members were enthusiastic to start anew, having had such success with last year’s Inquiry, Inc. … Continue reading New Ideas, New Members, New Stories!

How do rivers stay clean? Current events coming our way

Over the next two weeks, several local water-related events may spark your curiosity: whether you're interested in how water gets clean; how public artwork impacts water policy; or how you and your class might participate in a river clean-up. Water seems a crucial topic given the devastation caused by recent hurricanes; supplementing conversations about extreme … Continue reading How do rivers stay clean? Current events coming our way

Back-to-School with Water Inquiry

Welcome to a new school year! Students are trickling onto the Smith campus, and we are excited to resume our Water Inquiry meetings in September. Inquiry Inc. characters spent the summer relaxing after their hard work saving ducklings in our first interactive storybook and are ready for their next adventure; this fall, they will set … Continue reading Back-to-School with Water Inquiry

“What does inquiry mean?” Maple School Pilot

First grade students in the classrooms of Margaret Betts and Martha Morgan considered this question during a recent pilot of Inquiry Inc. and the Case of the Missing Ducklings at Maple Street School in Easthampton, MA. “Talking about something and seeing what you can do,” one student offered, while others noticed the words “inquire, wonder, investigate” … Continue reading “What does inquiry mean?” Maple School Pilot

Planning and Piloting: Water Inquiry Update, January 2017

“I have too many ideas” was a pleasing lament to hear on an icy afternoon in mid-December. Nestled inside a first-grade classroom at Jackson Street Elementary School, Katy Butler (’12, MAT ’18), classroom teacher and Water Inquirer extraordinaire, guided her students through an exciting encounter with our interactive story, Inquiry, Inc. and the Case of … Continue reading Planning and Piloting: Water Inquiry Update, January 2017