5C Inventory & Record Merge Survey to Gather Workflows

The Inventory Working Group and Record Merge Working Group invites you to an open house on February 26, 2021. The purpose of this open house is to update the 5C community on the working groups’ activities and review metadata functionality in FOLIO. We will have 4 potential metadata and cataloguing workflows to review.

We would like to know about your metadata and cataloging workflows and to capture what those needs might be in FOLIO. Please use the linked Google form to submit this information. We would like to get the following information about each workflow: name, description, people involved, what FOLIO apps might be involved, how this workflow gets started, what the workflow is supposed to do in terms of an end result, and a brief outline of the steps involved. You can use the form as many times as needed to document each workflow. We realize that there will be unknowns. If you are unsure of some of your needs for a particular workflow, we understand. Please use the Comment section to make any notes about these unknowns or your questions. We will use this information to troubleshoot and advocate for our FOLIO future together!

Survey Details:

 Open House Details:

  • Day: Friday, February 26, 2021
  • Time: 2:00 -3:30 pm
  • Zoom URL

Tentative Agenda:

A presentation will be shared sooner to the date.

  • Introduction & Welcome
  • Updates from Inventory & Record Merge working groups
  • Discussions on 4 Workflows
    • Single Record cataloging
    • Multi Record cataloging
    • Batch Record cataloging
    • Batch Editing

This open house is open to everyone. We encourage you to join us in particular those who have a stake in our future shared bibliographic environment.


Jennifer Eustis & Ann Kardos

On behalf of the

FOLIO Inventory and Record Merge Working Groups