Stollwerck Sammel-Album No. 15, Jungdeutschland

The pictures of the Stollwerck trade card album “Jungdeutschland” (Young Germany) show how such youth groups were engaged in activities to prepare them for war. Here are the titles and selected excerpts from these six pictures (only four are shown):


  1. Storming the Wall. Storming up a steep hill with full pack is strenuous but a German Boy Scout is not fazed by such obstacles. We are imitating our brave warriors who stormed Lüttich, Antwerp and Soissons, even if our fighting is just practice.
  2. A Good Meal After Training. When the training exercises are done we are all tired, but also hungry. In building a cooking fire out in the field, there is much that has to be learned. You will need a source of water for cooking and at least three matches.
  3. Setting Up Tents. You have the good fortune today to be able to sleep in a tent, rather than under a tree. Here are some directions for correctly setting up your tent.
  4. Building a Hut. If tents are not available, a hut constructed from available materials is the next best thing. The location has to be carefully selected, with enough wood and water nearby.
  5. An Anecdote. Field Marshal Haeseler tells about an encounter with a Boy Scout troop that invited him to inspect them. He asked one of the Scouts “Where are you from?” The boy answered: “Rostock”. Haeseler then asked the boy “Who was born there?”, hoping to hear the name “Blücher”. The boys answered: “I was”, to which Haseler continued: “But what great man was born there?” The boy said without hesitation: “My older brother”.
  6. Passing the Time on a Winter Evening. When the scouts are gathered together on a cold winter’s night, there are many ways that they entertain themselves, with activities such as chess, carving wooden figures, etc.