Der Weltkrieg Cards (Animals)

These cards were issued in 1937 by a number of German cigarette companies and were included in packs of cigarettes for collecting by the consumer. Although these cards were created after the war, they are colorized versions of photos taken by the German War Ministry during the war. They show scenes of how animals were used during the first world war. Messenger dogs were used when there was no cover for humans to move across the terrain or when communication lines were not functioning. These dogs usually had two masters, one at each end, and were usually used on routes two Kilometers or less. Messenger pigeons were also trainer and utilized in world war one. They were usually transported in backpacks or baskets to the front and would then be released to fly back to the home cage with a message. They were particularly helpful when it came to warfare in the mountains. Horses also played a big role on WWI, despite the invention of new transportation technologies. Due to gas warfare soldier now had to worry about protecting their horses from gas attacks as well.