Social Learning and Immigration Conflict

Population and National Security and Environmental Security and Sustainable Development both explore the impact humans have on the environment and human security. In their article, Sciubba et. al. state that increasing human population is the cause of civil conflict and violence in a country. They go on to say that humans especially the youth are the ones who create ecological and human insecurity. Upreti, unlike Sciubba et. al. presents a way to approach the issue of ineffective development policies that damage the environment. To Upreti sustainable development means people from different academic disciplines and opinions coming to an agreement that would create effective development and in turn also help the environment. He proposes that social learning can the answer to climate change especially in developing countries.

The idea of “ social learning” is intriguing. Last week we spoke about education being the answer to de-securitizing environmental issues. Upreti really drove that point home to me. If people are given the chance observe and learn from one another what is happening to their immediate environment they can fix their current practices. It would effectively solve the years of unsustainable development, especially in developing nations. This chapter reminded me of when I was in Panama a couple years ago. I kept seeing patches of burned land and locals burning their trash. When I asked why farmers burned the land the guide said that is the only way they know how to farm. There are non-profit groups that come into Panama and encourage the people to become active in caring for their environment, and making them realize that the land will not be fertile after it is burned. Upreti’s approach puts the responsibility back in the hands of the people in that community and encourages dialogue among all actors unlike an international organization entering the country without addressing the underlying issue of development in that country. The people can have all the help to develop but if their land stops being fertile and water is scarce the effort put into that development plan was for nothing. Educating citizens and creating an environment where people who have different perspectives can bring about positive change.            Sciubba et. al. indicated that with an increasing population comes desertification and the decrease of grazing land causes people migrate. I found this almost comical because the section pointed out that the United States and Canada have escaped the elderly curse on the economy because of immigrants. Much of what we see in the media and with one of the presidential candidate’s immigrants are unwanted and viewed to be “free-riders” to society, yet they are giving the country

Sciubba et. al. indicated that with an increasing population comes desertification and the decrease of grazing land causes people migrate. I found this almost comical because the section pointed out that the United States and Canada have escaped the elderly curse on the economy because of immigrants. Much of what we see in the media and with one of the presidential candidate’s immigrants are unwanted and viewed to be “free-riders” to society, yet they are giving the country a  way to counteract the ever-growing aging population. We see in the media how the U.S and European countries are in conflict with their immigrant population.

If I had to write a research paper on a topic this week, it would be in the role the environment plays in immigration influxes in the United States.

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