
Meridians is a peer-reviewed, feminist, interdisciplinary journal whose goal is to provide a forum for the finest scholarship and creative work by and about women of color in US and international contexts. The journal is a venture of Smith College and is published by Duke University Press.

Recognizing that feminism, race, transnationalism, and women of color are contested terms, Meridians engages the complexity of these debates in a dialogue across ethnic and national boundaries, as well as across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the academy. The goal of Meridians is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to global and US economic conditions, their political practices, the articulation of histories, geographies, cultures, and sexualities, as well as the forms and meanings of resistance and activist strategies.

Meridians is guided by an Editorial Advisory Board comprised of faculty members from the Five College Consortium, of which Smith is a member, and the Research Triangle Consortium, of which Duke University is a member.

“The focus of our attention is women in movement: geographically and economically, in migration and diaspora; politically, in both local and transnational patterns of organization and coalition; and intellectually, in theoretical transformations produced by these new transnational realities.”

– Meridians Founding Editors

great circles of earth passing
through the geographical poles at any
given point on the earth’s surface;

any of the lines of longitude running
north and south on a globe or map,
representing such a circle or half circle;

the highest apparent point reached by
a heavenly body in its course; zenith, apex,

places or situations with their own
distinctive character;

in Chinese medicine, the major channels
carrying the life force through the body.