Recognizing that feminism, race, transnationalism, and women of color are contested terms, Meridians engages the complexity of these debates in a dialogue across ethnic and national boundaries, as well as across traditional disciplinary boundaries in the academy. The goal of Meridians is to make scholarship by and about women of color central to global and US economic conditions, their political practices, the articulation of histories, geographies, cultures, and sexualities, as well as the forms and meanings of resistance and activist strategies.
Well-Read Black GirlThe Racial Violence HubFeminist Foreign Policy ProjectFundamental: Gender Justice. No Exceptions.Raha Iranian Feminist CollectiveRISEAcademics for PeaceUn día sin nosotrasWomen IncludedSay Her NameAfrican Feminism: Post-COVID-19 Economic Recovery StatementPioneer Valley Workers CenterKohl: Journal for Body and Gender ResearchSexuality Policy WatchBiblioteca de Mujeres Negras. Sede Sur América.Statement Regarding the “Sex for Grades” ScandalUAW Academic Workers StrikeEquality Labs