
Help us reach our goal of $2.5 Million in 2025!

Ally Einbinder ’10, Xinyang Sun ’25, Isabella Grijalva ’27, May Chan, Rinal Dahaan ’27, and Kyla Butler ’25
with our Vol. 23, No. 2 issue “Counterpoints”

Your donation will help us continue supporting research about feminism, race, and transnationalism.

We would like to thank our contributors as our work would not be possible without them.

Philanthropic Opportunities

An anonymous alum, moved by the mission and vision of Meridians, has committed a foundational endowed gift of $1 million to inspire other alums to join in sustaining the journal and help it expand globally.

Meridians’ time has come,” says the anonymous donor. “It’s an extraordinary journal, and we have a chance to really propel it. I’m thrilled that we have the opportunity as a community to support Meridians with the respect and resources it deserves.”

Smith is asking alums to come together and raise an additional $1 million to permanently endow Meridians.

Your donation of any amount will go directly to the Meridians endowment, helping amplify the voices of women of color.

Gloria Steinem ’56

“The goal of Meridians has always been to center scholarship by and about women of color. This makes its existence and continued success even more exciting and necessary.”

Statements from Alum Donors

Meridians’ mission to showcase the voices and scholarship of women of color, locally, and globally, is more important than ever.  Meridians was formed and forged at Smith and exemplifies Smith’s values.  It’s a journal of high scholarship, centering the voices of women that the world is not accustomed to hearing from. Well, let them be heard!”

— Debbie Berger ’86, Smith College Trustee Emerita

“We are proud to support Meridians and its long-standing commitment to providing a forum for voices that might not be heard elsewhere. As alums, we have watched Meridians grow and gain recognition. Its ability to continue through endowed gifts is essential. In honor of its 25th Anniversary, we’re making another gift this year to Meridians’ endowment to help assure its continued strength, especially given today’s challenges. We hope more alums will join us in supporting this Smith jewel.”

— Caren Byrd Borland ’68, Senior Advisor, Morgan Stanley Investment Banking Division
and Elizabeth Borland ’97, Professor of Sociology, The College of New Jersey

“I was inspired by Ruth Simmons’ commitment to create and nurture a publication that would advance feminist scholarship focused on race and ethnicity. Ruth thought Smith would be a good venue for such an initiative. How right she was! Meridians is alive and well and preparing to celebrate its 25th Anniversary!”

— Alice Kaplan ’58 

“I decided to support the Meridians endowment in celebration of its 25th anniversary.  To me, the journal embodies Smith’s mission to empower women of and for the world. Its standards and high quality reflect Smith’s own values. There is special merit in hearing voices from across the world, talking about a range of issues and finding commonality and interconnectedness. I hope more alums will support Meridians endowment to ensure it will thrive for many years to come.” 

— Wendy Kassel ’73 

“When I first opened a copy of Meridians Journal I realized that I had entered a secret planet that I knew existed but didn’t know where it was! The journal is filled with brilliance and creativity from amazing women scholars and writers. I joyfully support Meridians Journal to encourage and secure them in their practice, craft, and art. The world needs our many varied voices and stories. I often recruit new readers by gifting copies to visitors and friends. We (women) have been silenced for too long. It’s up to us to tell it and teach it. Meridians covers many territories. Wake up about humanity’s seasons with informed, open minds and hearts.”

— Sylvia Lewis ’74 

“In the spirit of the beloved Afro-American anthem, ‘Lift Every Voice and Sing,’ Meridians offers scholarship and art that showcases the perspectives of those too often neglected in existing publications.”

— Betsey McGee ’68 

Meridians is that rarified thing — a leading academic journal founded at an undergraduate college for the purpose of amplifying the work of women of color. This happens only at Smith. And that’s why I support Meridians.”

— Melissa Wells ’93