On the Line

Our “On the Line” feature aims to connect our scholarship with other forms of media such as audio recordings and Youtube videos.

From The Editor:

“We think women of color epistemologies are expressed through multiple genres. Meridians is unique in the sense that it offers a space for both evidence-based, research-based scholarship alongside creative and cultural work—everything from poetry to visual images, whether it’s photography, or paintings, or one-dimensional reproductions of three-dimensional works, to memoir and creative non-fiction kinds of work. We view each of these genres as equally valuable forms of knowledge. In any given issue, you’ll see a research-based piece followed by a poem that is speaking to similar or related concerns that the research piece is exploring in another way. So, the philosophy then is really to showcase women of color knowledge production in all these genres and all these forms.”

Explore the different collections that we have or search for a particular article.

Volume 23, Number 2

Volume 23, Number 1

Volume 22, Number 2

Volume 22, Number 1

Volume 21, Number 2

Volume 21, Number 1

Volume 20, Number 2

Volume 20, Number 1

Volume 19, Number 2 Zoom Celebration

Volume 19, Number 1

Volume 18, Number 2