
Welcome to the blog of the Center for Religious & Spiritual Life (CRSL) at Smith College. Here you’ll find newsletter articles, updates from student orgs, op-eds about topics related to religion and spirituality, and more. You can view recent newsletters using the menu bar above, use the right sidebar to browse articles by categories or tags, or scroll down to see some recent posts. To learn more about the CRSL, visit our website.

Recent Posts

Six hijabi women joyously gathered with big smiles under a banner that reads "Ramadan Kareem" (generous Ramadan in English)

The Sacred Month of Ramadan

Muslims worldwide look forward to the start of the Ramadan season, a beautiful time of year for reflection, spiritual renewal, and devotion to Allah. Some of ...

Co-Curricular Opportunities for Jewish Learning

The Talmud in Kiddushin asks an important question: “Which is greater: learning or action?”  The Talmud’s question makes it clear that both have spiritual importance ...

Mezuzah: How a Jew Marks Liminal Space by Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer

The mezuzah is a very important and visible symbol of a Jewish building or room.  It establishes that a space is in some way tied ...

Ramadan at Smith

Ramadan Mubarak! Muslims worldwide look forward to the start of the Ramadan season, a beautiful time of year for reflection, spiritual renewal, and devotion to ...

Six Ways Faculty and Staff Can Support Students During Ramadan: A Letter from Students

Dear Smith College Faculty and Staff, Greetings from Al Iman, Smith College’s Muslim Student Association. We are excited to announce that the Holy Month of ...

CRSL Shepherds a Re-energized Ramadan at Smith

Whenever we guide others on a path or journey, whether spiritual or physical, it is a great responsibility for the appointed leader. The Center for ...

Reflections on Peace

Peace Now: Not the Absence of Tension but the Presence of Justice; Not the Presence of War but the Absence of Weapons By Reverend Matilda ...

Introducing the Reflect, Resist, Rejuvenate Lounge

REFLECT RESIST REJUVENATE LOUNGE We are proud to announce the official “opening” or coming on-line of our Reflect, Resist, Rejuvenate lounge. This room was re-purposed ...