Category Archives: Student Posts

Smith ServeUp 2017 Update

Nineteen Smith students along with about 65 from the Five Colleges, journeyed down to New Orleans this Spring Break with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship to spend a week serving the city and discussing the intersection of faith and social justice, while … Continue reading

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London Launch:
Giving Students Vision Abroad

The Smith Christian Fellowship (SCF) is organized through a larger organization called Intervarsity, a Christian campus ministry with the vision “to see students and faculty transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed.” For students who are abroad, Intervarsity coordinates weekend … Continue reading

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Reflections on “Resistance and Rebellion”

In response to the tense state of reproductive justice, The Steinem Initiative hosted a panel on February 1 in Weinstein Auditorium entitled “Visions for Reproductive Justice: Resistance & Rebellion 2017 and Beyond.” The Steinem Initiative—which, according to Co-director Joyce Follett, … Continue reading

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Camino Pilgrimage:
Walking in Faith

This past summer, I set out on a pilgrimage across Spain with my friend Chelsea.  We walked along the El Camino de Santiago, in English “The Way of Saint James,” a total of nearly 500 miles. We walked over mountains, … Continue reading

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Student Advisory Board Strives for Inclusion and Advocacy

The Center for Religious and Spiritual Life’s Student Advisory Board is a group of students that gather to advise the Center on a variety of things. Part of our job is to help plan events, like vigils and contemplative spaces, … Continue reading

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Contemplative Practice:
Support in Staying Grounded

Among the central priorities of the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life (CRSL) is to encourage contemplative practice and mindfulness. A number of events sponsored and supported by the CRSL affirm contemplative practice including Pet-a-Pet day, Mindful Mondays, and the … Continue reading

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Reflecting on the 2016 Election

The results of the 2016 elections have come as a shock to many Smith students and members of the greater Northampton community. I’ve felt weight of the worry, fear, and confusion as I walk to class with my fellow students. … Continue reading

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Vespers 2016

Smith’s annual celebration of Advent, Vespers, was held two weeks ago in John M. Greene Hall. Smith College Chorus, Glee Club, Chamber Singers, Handbell Choir and Orchestra collaborated to produce the musical portion of the service while members of the … Continue reading

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Mindful Mondays

The Wurtele Center and the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life have collaborated to create the new series, Mindful Mondays. This semester, the Mindful Monday series has consisted of four lunchtime meetings where food is provided and a member of … Continue reading

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Otelia Cromwell Day: Sonia Sanchez

The well-known activist, artist, academic, and author Sonia Sanchez gave the keynote address for Otelia Cromwell Day. Students gathered in John M. Greene Hall on November 3 to hear Sanchez’s address entitled “Activism in Art: An Afternoon with Sonia Sanchez,” … Continue reading

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