Students Examine Integration Problem Of Virginia County

April 13, 1961

Students Examine Integration Problem Of Virginia County

During spring vacation, Smithies Lynda Hird ‘61 and Carolyn Grinnel ‘62  traveled to Prince Edward County Virginia, to investigate the state of race relations, which they reported back to the Sophian on April 13th. The entire public schooling system of the county shut down in 1959, after the Board of Supervisors refused to fund the implementation of the Supreme Court’s 1955 desegregation decision. As a result, students were forced to either move to private schools or not go to school at all. The money previously for county schools was used to give tuition grants to white parents, leaving black youth without any education at all. The rest of the article and its contents can be read below:

Students Examine Integration Problem Of Virginia County (3, 4)

[Last updated on October 9, 2018]