Smith discussion on signing NSA Vietnam letter to President Johnson

October 12, 1966

Smith discussion on signing NSA Vietnam letter to President Johnson

The Smith House of Representatives discussed whether to sign a letter from the National Student Association (NSA) on Vietnam to President Johnson. 200 student body presidents across the country had already signed it. The letter was born out of the 19th annual NSA congress and dealt with topics such as the draft, moral compunctions about the war, U.S. escalation of the conflict, and an apparent unwillingness to negotiate. (The Sophian printed a copy of the letter in the October 13th edition, as well as an editorial criticizing it). After the head of Executive Board said she could not sign the letter on principle, the question then became if the student body would sign it. The House of Representatives decided that if two thirds of every house voted to sign it, they would affix the signature of the Smith student body to the letter.

House of Reps Debates NSA Viet Nam Letter (1, 3)

(Opinion Page) Wanted – Ideas On Draft

[Last updated on October 12, 2018]