All-campus meeting held to discuss “racial tension”

November 3, 1986

All-campus meeting held to discuss “racial tension”

At 9:30 p.m. in John M. Greene Hall, President Dunn opened up the meeting about the racist messages painted on the steps to Lilly Hall. Her introduction was followed by a statement from three anonymous students speaking as representatives of “the Asian, Black, and Hispanic students who feel offended and ultimately disappointed by the treatment they have received at Smith College.” The president of the Student Government Association (SGA), a member of the Society Organized Against Racism (SOAR), and several faculty members also spoke. President Dunn then opened up the floor for discussion, asking for suggestions on how to end racism at Smith. Associate Professor Johnnella[1]  Butler, chair of the Afro-American Department, suggested a chorus of “We Shall Overcome” to end the meeting.

The full Sophian article on the meeting can be found here.

[Last updated on October 31, 2018]