This story is about a friendship between a girl called Koko and a boy called Hoshi who lives in the sky. They are both very lonely and when they meet, they quickly become best friends. Hoshi has very low self-esteem and thinks that he is not smart nor kind enough. He is scared to go back to his family. But Koko helps him to see that his family does care about him and he is not as bad as he thought. Finally, Hoshi goes back to the sky and Koko waits every night to wait for hearing him back.
I would definitely recommend this book to other students. The manga is very precisely and vividly down by our senpai. And there is a variety of sentence structures and word choices that are covered by what we learned so far as JPN 110 students. The plotline has up and down which also makes the reading enjoyable. I like how the ending of Koko waiting for Hoshi echos the scene in the beginning. This book is very imaginative and inspiring.