
This book is very cute, especially because I like animals. The plot is also a little weird. It is like a children’s story: it is best to not think about the realism of the plot too much. The art is very cute.

I recommend people to read this book. It is not hard. It is a very pleasant read. However, it is not realistic, and the book is not really trying to teach anything.







Level 0

ようかいが好きなので、あの本はおもしろいと思いました。This book was about a kid who could see ghosts. おもしろいですが、しょっとむずかひと新しいたんごがあります. Some of the recurring, non-genki vocab is very important for understanding the story. I looked up some of the vocab, but there was a lot so I stopped looking it up eventually and didn’t really understand how the story ended. I got the gist of the story though, and I enjoyed the drawings.


I would recommend this book because the theme was different- there aren’t many tadoku books about ghosts. It is good if you want to learn new, non-genki vocab.


ーCharlotte Mead






The story is very moving. Hachi is a dog of a college professor. They live together. After the professor died, Hachi still believes he was still alive and continued the daily routine for 10 years. The story is very moving and worth reading.


この本は ラーさんのせいかつについて 書きました。ラーさんは友だちがありませんが、暇じゃないです。毎日音がきを聞きますから。本の中で、たくさんえがあります。とてもかわいいです。ちょっとむずかしいたんごがありますが、ストーリはかんたんです。

The book has lots of Katakana, most of which are the name of songs and singers. So I think it is good path to practice Katakana through reading.  The drawings are really interesting and creative.  Really recommend this book. ロイ-音楽が好きです


This book is really interesting that the girl in the story meets herself! I love this story. I also love the elaborated drawings of the book.

I really recommend this book to JPN 110 and 111 students to read this. There exists some new kanjis but I believe students can understand them according to the context. This book also helps to get familiar with some kanjis.


この本はおもしろいと思います。エミさんとニナさんゆかたを買 ってお ぼんおどりに行きました。かんじとたん語がかんたんです。I really loved the art style, its simple and cute. There were a couple of words that I could not recognize but its still understandable through context. There were also some unfamiliar kanji but they were accompanied by the hiragana.  Overall, I highly recommend to level 0 readers.



This book was sort of difficult to read because there was a lot of non-Genki vocab in it. I had to look a lot of words up and it disrupted the flow of the story a bit. However, when I was reading it I was very curious what would happen next and I wanted to keep reading. I also really liked the drawings. I recommend it for people who don’t mind looking up vocab.


この本はかわいです。むずかしくなかったです。 私はこのねこが好きです!

The drawings/watercolors are really good. They were fun to look at.  It was a simple story and was easy to read. I don’t think there was any non-Genki vocab. I highly recommend this book.