

This book is extremely easy! Because the vocabulary and kanji was easy to read, you won’t need a dictionary. I thought 「にわにわに?」was funnier than 「笑い話」. I didn’t expect the story to be this way. I thought that the woman lost her cat or something. I also enjoy the artwork. I recommend this book!



This book is based on a 1906 novel by Itou Sachio. It seems to be quite famous; there are several film adaptations. I didn’t read this one for a while because I didn’t like the art, but I actually found it quite touching. It’s a sad story about two teenagers who fall in love but aren’t allowed to get married.  I would recommend it to any level 3 or 4 students.


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This book starts with a brief explanation of rakugo, before moving on to tell three short stories that might be found in a rakugo performance. I’d thought that I would only read one and put it down for the day, but ended up reading all three. Even without the performer telling them, they’re still entertaining. It’s not the easiest of reads, but I’d still recommend it to someone who was looking for a laugh.


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I would recommend this book to anyone interested in learning about cup noodles, karaoke machines, and the Walkman. They are all invented in Japan, and this book describes how they were invented. It is a very interesting book.




This was a very informational book about soybeans. It goes into detail of where this is found in food products and what dishes they are found in. There were drawn picture examples of people eating the dishes and actual pictures of the food products made out of soybeans. This was easy to read and informational, the kanji wasn’t too hard, some of the captions on the picture have kanji we haven’t learned yet, but the rest was easy.



I’m really surprised! I didn’t expect the plot to be like that. I like the book because it was interesting, sad, and a little bit scary (I actually got a little bit of goosebumps). For some reason, it seems scarier to read it in Japanese. Anyways, the illustrations were beautiful. The story was extremely easy, but there are a few new kanji. I would recommend this book!



I didn’t really like this book because I didn’t really laugh. I was hoping the stories would be a little bit more humorous. This book has several mini stories inside. The tango and kanji is not difficult, but the sentences are a bit long.




I would recommend this book for first year Japanese students. It is a very interesting tale, and easy to read. There were not many unfamiliar kanji or vocab.


面白ですね!私は日本の文化を習いました!日本の文化はよく知らないが、簡単な文章と綺麗な絵は意味を分かります。 ユーモアがあります。読んでください!

This book is interesting! I learned some few things about Japanese culture. I am unfamiliar with Japanese New Year customs, but the simple sentences and beautiful drawings helped me understand what I was reading/learning. It also has a little bit of humor. I would recommend this book!



Since the sentences repeats itself, Wind and Sun~Aesop’s Fables~ was extremely easy. There were many vocabulary words from last semester. Because it was a little bit too easy, I didn’t find the plot to be very interesting. But you can read this story really quickly.