ジョンさん バスの中で

この本で、大学生の おかしい話が 二つあります。ジョンさんは バスに乗る前に、新しい事を してみるが、かんがえません。それから、バスの中で、いつも たいへんです。みんなは ジョンさんに 大切な きょうくんを ならえます:新しい事を してみる時、気をつけてください。(^‿^)

Anyone can relate to these stories about everyday decisions that may not sometimes be the best, but are little anecdotes we learn from and laugh about later. These moments remind us that nobody’s perfect, and that little everyday slip-ups come and go.



この本は面白いものがたりと思います。主人公はジョンさん。ジョンさっは夏休みにホームステイをします。新しい友達をあたり、祭りにあったりしました。This book is about the main character John’s summer vacation. He went to Sendai for a homestay, and made new friends and went to festivals!

I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a pretty easy yet still engaging read. The story is interesting and easy to follow, and will teach you about a cool part of Japanese culture (and some new vocab words!).




I would recommend this book. The sentences were pretty short and simplistic, and there wasn’t a whole lot of kanji, but it was informative and fun to read. The pictures are very cute, and the instructions/directions on how to make the various food items was enjoyable to read.

浦島 太郎



I would recommend this book. It is a very famous Japanese folktale. I have read it in English before, and it is very interesting to read the Japanese version. It had a very manageable vocabulary and sentence structure, I barely had to look up any words at all. It was very easy to follow the story. The story itself is an interesting tale reminiscent of other folktales from around the world, like the fisherman’s wife or Pandora’s box.




This short story is about how wind and sun were having a little competition. The content is very easy but it is quite interesting. It is a very quick read I don’t think anyone would encounter any problems with it. However I would suggest people to read something more closely related to Japanese tradition since this tale is globally known.



This is an interesting book that talks about various kind of sushi, how to make sushi and the history of sushi. The illustrations and drawings of sushi made me really hungry. I highly recommend this book.


私の一番好きな言葉は「二人は東京に帰りました。でも、おじさんのように、皺くちゃになった顔は、東京に帰っても、お風呂に入っても、直りませんでした。」それはおかしいでしょう。本の中で 答えを見つけてください。
じゃあ、みんなぜひcheck it outしてくださいね。

風と太陽 〜イソップ物語より〜



I would recommend this book. The kanji were very simple, and all of them had furigana, so there shouldn’t be any problems on that front. The story itself was light and funny. Give it a whirl!




This was a very enjoyable, though very easy, book. The pictures were pretty, especially in their use of color. The writing itself was very simple and easy to understand, and there wasn’t much in the way of kanji, difficult grammar or unfamiliar words. I’d recommend it.



Let’s go to Mount Fuji! At Mount Fuji, you can hike, go to hot springs, look at the beautiful lakes, and other activities similar to these. It also talks about Mount Fuji’s “birthday.” This book also offers a lot of advice, which is extremely convenient if you plan to go there. In the book, it also talks about environmental protection, which is why I really like it. The book has a lot of kanji, so it can be a little bit difficult to read. But the kanji is mostly the names of places, so it doesn’t really affect the meaning of the book. I highly recommend this book. I have never hiked Mount Fuji, but I would like to when I’m studying abroad!