この本はとてもおもしろいです!この人はふゆやすみにうちに帰りませんでした。あたらしいりょうにすんでいました。となりの人がいました、かれのにもつがありましたから。でも、ぜんぜん会いません。それから、ノックをしました。来年のふゆやすみ、あのりょうにもすんでました. Something こわいがあります!
This is a very interesting story. This story is about a girl who stayed at school over the winter break. She knew that she has a neighbor, but have never met her. One day, she knocks on her door, but nobody responded. As I have also stayed at Smith over two winter breaks, I can totally relate to the lonely experience. However, while I thought the book is only about someone’s experience, there is an unexpected plot twist in the end!
I would recommend it to Japanese first-year students. The author drew the pictures by herself and used a lot of vocabulary that we have just studied.