ジョンさん バスの中で



ジョンさんはジーンズと髪を切るのが好きです。かっこいいと思います。でも、バスで、おばあさんはジョンさんはお金をあまり持っていらないと思います。So the old lady gives John some money to buy new jeans and fix his hair. This embarrasses John, and I found that really funny. There is another story about John being late for class because he overslept on the train. I found that both relatable and unrelatable at the same time. But it was very funny.

I recommend this book to other first years, though not when starting out the reading. The grammar forms are slightly difficult since we haven’t learnt them yet but they are still manageable.



This book is really good. It’s pretty easy to understand, and tells a popular story. I also recommend, if possible, going to see the actual statue. Even though I’ve been to Shibuya Station a number of times, I’ve never seen the Hachi statue…. truly 悲しい。


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This book was really funny for its length! The first story detailed John’s DIY “fashionable” jeans, and the second story was a day in the life. I think that in a way, John was a little relatable when he was late to class by sleeping through an entire loop of the Yamanote Line….





This book is not good for anyone who doesn’t like sad stories. It’s for a student who has taken or is taking and is at least halfway through first year Japanese. There is not too much unknown kanji and all of the verbs were known to me. I’ve also heard this story from my mom many times, so that may be another reason why this was an easy read for me. 10 out of 10 would recommend to a friend!


このほんはおもしろいすが、ちょうどこわいですね。The story is about a girl who believed that she was still alive even though she already died in a car accident three days ago. Her soul took a taxi to go back to home.  The whole story centers around the conversation between the taxi driver and the girl’s mom. The taxi driver learned from the girl’s mom that the girl who took the taxi was not a real human. The tone of the story is warm, but the story itself can be scary to younger-age readers.

I recommend the book to students who have learned Japanese for at least one year. As a 日本語のいねんせい who have only taken Japanese for one semester, I had difficulties with vocabularies while reading the book. でも、I recommend students who are good at Kanji to try on this book, because there are many kanji in this book. Also, the pictures in the book are very helpful for readers to grab the gist of the story.



This story gave me a warm feeling. It was the kind of story I like to read on my own so I could give it my full attention. It was fast-paced and lots of fun. The ending of the story made me laugh even though I should have expected it! The illustrations are so soft and cozy.

I would definitely recommend this story to everyone taking Japanese. Whether a beginner looking for a good start or someone who’s at a more advanced level looking to take a break, this story feels like it would never get old. It’s a book I’d like to revisit in the years to come.




I wouldn’t recommend this to a friend because most of my friends are black but all in all, I understood everything in the book so I would say its an easy read for first-year Japanese students. It was also kind of funny that the cop got stuck in the tree, so, all in all, it wasn’t too bad of a read.


I liked learning about the times when sakura flowers bloom, and what kind of things people do in Japan when they bloom. Although I understood most everything in the book my knowledge of months is limited so it was more challenging to get through those parts of the book. But all in all the book was short and a little boring so I wouldn’t recommend it to a friend but I wouldn’t completely not mention it either. Books like this are good for 1st years who are very good at kanji.




In this book, a young driver saw his dead grandma. However, the truth is that his bus crashed into a trunk and he dreamed his grandma.  I thought it was a horror story, but it is a warm story.  I recommend it to Japanese first year students.




I liked this book and found it interesting but it seemed to have 2 stories that were sort of disconnected. One is about John’s failed attempt at DIY jeans he saw in a magazine and the other is about him sleeping on the train, missing his stop, and arriving late for school. Regardless, it was and interesting book, even though it was more challenging than i expected it would be for a level 1 Graded Reader. I would recommend it to a 1st year Japanese student who doesn’t mind a longer, less interesting read。