


I really like this book because it contains a lot of traditional Japanese funny stories. Although they are all interesting, they are not necessarily funny. So you might not feel “LOL”throughout the reading but I’m sure you will be amused by the small wit hidden in the simple language. I would recommend this book.



This story was very fun and pretty. Momotarou was very kind because he handed out tasty dango so nicely and was friendly to every person/animal he came by.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure and weird stories. The sentence structure we have already learned there a couple of words you may need to look up but its a very doable reading. The drawings are very cool too.





I would recommend this book because it gives a brief explanation of why there is a statue of a dog at a train station. I new about the statue and it was nice to read about it. It was a bit sad for me but at the same time there was a happy ending with how Hachi was and is remembered. There were very few words that we haven’t learned yet, but it was mostly easy to read.



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この本はちょっと悲しいです。女の子はタクシーでのる、でも女の子がいません。この本は怪談です、でも怖くないですよ。きれい絵と面白い ストーリー があります。とてもいい本です。

I would recommend this book to other Japanese students. It was an easy read, I only had to look up a few words and knew all the grammar forms, but was still interesting. The story is bittersweet and I think the pictures add a lot to it.


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この本あはとても面白かったです。本のテームは着物です。着物の歴史、写真、指令があります。たくさん綺麗な写真がありますよ!This book is about kimonos — how they’ve evolved throughout Japanese history, the occasions on which they’re worn, and how to put them on. It also has lots of pretty pictures of kimonos!

I’d recommend this book for any first year Japanese student who wants to know more about Japanese culture. I’d also recommend it for the pretty pictures! Most of the language is easy to understand, and you get to learn about different eras of Japanese history too!



Millions of Fishes, Fishes for Me

このほはとても面白い.  それ童画はカラフルですよ. たくさん漢字は見えります。でも、漢字は子供が向きます。読んでください!

This books offers a quirky look at the mysterious and delicious world of sushi.  In case you did not know, every Japanese person loves sushi, apparently, and according to an early section of the text.

I think I’ve been using soy sauce wrong for years.  There’s also a really fun breakdown of regional varieties of this delicacy.  My favorite part was probably learning the Japanese words for a colorful variety of sea-creatures, including the squid and the judgmental octopus.





This is a very interesting book, but it is really incredibly hard to read. It’s full of court intrigues, 敬語, complex court etiquette, and there’s a good dose of international politics at the beginning. It’s all simplified for the manga, of course, but for language learners, it’s going to be really hard to follow. There’s so much vocabulary in here that we’ve never encountered before because for obvious reasons we’re not learning about 18th century France. Some things I was able to figure out based on historical knowledge of the time period–for example, I had no idea what 「天然痘」was, but from the context of how horrified everyone was that Louis XV had contracted it, I correctly guessed it was smallpox. But I had to look up most of the titles for the nobility because I just had no idea what they were–I could tell they were titles, but I couldn’t tell which ones were more highly ranked than the others from the kanji, which meant I wasn’t always understanding the court intrigue. Usually I was able to understand the gist of what was going on, but sometimes I honestly wasn’t even getting that. Overall, I probably understood 50% of this book.



Wow, I love books like these! This kind of folk tale is a little bit weird, but really funny. This book is extremely easy to read, so you don’t need a dictionary. If you are really busy, read this book! Out of all the Japanese Graded Readers books, this one is my favorite. This book made me laugh. I highly recommend it!


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この本はとても楽しかったです。尾が短い猿はとても悲しですね。私は猿の尾切れた時とても痛かったと思います。クラゲとても悲しかったと思います。クラゲはとでもやさしいでした、でも王様はけらげが大嫌いでした。I think this is an interesting story because both monkey and jelly fish were really nice, but they weren’t treated good at the end. I think it must be very painful for the monkey to lost its tail, and for the jelly fish to lost its bone.

I would recommend this book to my friend because it is a very interesting book. It is a little bit long, but not hard to read. There are a lot of grammar we covered in class, and some new vocabulary. I also think there is a moral behind this story. It’s a great book to read!

これは何の数字?(これは なんの すうじ?)

日本の けいざいか 地理の 学生だったら、この本は とても便利です。この本に、数字は 所の めんせき (area) や 人口 (population) と 人の高さについて です。世界の国の 数字が あります。たくさん ふりがなが あるから、やさしいです。

If you want to get to know numbers from Japan in context of the world’s figures, this is a great book to get to know facts. Each page can also serve as a flashcards for relevant vocabulary, since the first side of a page will show a drawing of a map of Japan and ask the reader what kind of figure will appear on the next page according to the figure that map shows.

注意:This book is read flipping the pages from left to right, like the Western style, not right to left, as Japanese books are usually organized.