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This is an amazing book! It is a Japanese classic folktale about a hero’s journey. I had a lot fun in reading it and I recommend it to everyone who wants to challenge themselves. Because there were a few hard words and I had to check dictionary all the time. But still, I like this story very much.


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This was an enjoyable, though quite violent, book. I liked it quite a bit, especially how the two stories wove together. The sentences were pretty short and repetitive, but there were quite a few of them per page, so it made for good reading fluency/speed practice. I’d recommend it!



This book talks about Japanese traditional clothing. It alos introduces the history of clothing and some rules about how to correctly wear the tranditional clothing. The illustrations of clothing are beautiful. I would definitely recommend this book to my classmates.



This book introduces many Japanese new year traditions that I do not know before. It uses simple words and has lots of pictures. Overall it is a good book for first-year Japanese student.



This story revolves around a boy name Sakichi who seeks the help of Kannon-sama to become rich. After finding a straw, he trades with many different people, and eventually becomes rich and happy! It was very fun seeing the many encounters he had with the people in the village. I would definitely recommend this book, and I even learned a lot of new verbs!



I really enjoyed Kimura-san’s character. If you are looking for a fun and quick read, this book may not be for you. This book started off calmly, but ended with a twist of plot that was very sad in my opinion. You will learn a lot of words relating to driving in this book.





この本は、日本人の家族について、とてもたのしいですが、 かんたんですが、いいです。

I recommend this book because it is a quick and easy read. Furigana is provided for both the Kanji and katakana. If there is any confusion with vocabulary, the visuals give enough information so that it will be easy to fill in the blanks. This is a lighthearted little story with a plot line that progresses quickly. Best of all, at the end there is a funny surprise!



この本はとてもよかったです。 新しいぶんぽがあるから、ちょっとむずかしかったです。 でも、かんじはかんたんでした、だから本はとてもむずかしくなかったです。 ずはかわいかったですね。

I would recommend this book to any classmate! It’s clearly a children’s book, but the pictures are very cute and help the reader figure out what is going on before they even need to look up the new vocab. All the kanji has furigana, which is helpful, and the grammar is simple.



I enjoyed this book, though it was a bit too easy. It had some interesting facts and statistics about Japan and Japanese people, which were enjoyable, but the sentences were very short and simple. There was still quite a bit of kanji though!


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さいきん フィクションの本は つうじょうのパターンが あるけど、この本は たくさん本より どくじだと思います。始めに、さびしい女の子のりょこうについてだと 思ったけれど、女の子は 大きいひみつが あります。さいごのページを読んで、びっくりしました。でも ぜったいに おもしろくて、いい本だから、ひま時に 読んでください!!

In this book you will find many layers of meaning under the story of a taxi driver who brings a lost 12 year old girl home. “Taxi” is tragic, yet beautifully told, perhaps giving insight into how some Japanese think of the spiritual world. It will make you question what makes a happy ending and is sure to be a week’s worth of food for thought 🙂