

I read this book with all of the furigana covered with a card, and only checked it for and . Those kanjis were used so specifically, and followed with such clear illustrations, that I was able to make out their definitions without looking them up. There was also 洗濯のり, which I couldn’t understand, but I understood from the illustration and the furigana せんたくthat it was some material for laundry.

The story was very easy to follow, and there were a couple kanji from JPN 111 that I could recognize at this point. It’s pretty long, too, which means the story is a lot more developed and interesting. For that reason, I think it would be fun for students to tackle!


この本は有名なストリーです。シンデレラは、子供の時お母さんが死んだ、お父さんは新しい彼女が探しました。でも、新しいお母さんとお姉さんはとてもいじわるでした。Once, with the help of おばあさん、Cinderella got the chance to go to the party and met the prince. The prince finally found Cinderella by one of the high heel shoes she left behind after 12 o’ clock. In the last, Cinderella lived a happy life with the prince.

I recommend this book to my classmates because it’s a well-known story and easy to understand. At the same time, it is interesting to read the story in Japanese, while there are not so many new unfamiliar words. So, it is pretty suitable for students to read.


While I personally found this book a little boring I would recommend it to someone that was interested in cooking or Japanese dishes. The book’s visuals made it easy to follow along.
Would recommend to first years.





I recommend this book to first year Japanese students.

The pictures are adorable, and I love that it’s written in a cat’s point of view.

The text isn’t too difficult but there’s plenty to read.






I encountered a lot of grammar points and vocabularies that I just learnt when I read this story. Also the pictures are really cute and the art style is dreamy. This story could heal. I highly recommend this book.


この本はみじかくてやさしいでした。ストリもかわいくて、読む時、たのしかったです。りょうさんがかわいそうです! He’s stuck with a cast, which probably means no patrol duty for him for quite a while. I can relate to being unable to resist the children though.




I really enjoyed reading this book, because the photos are all very beautiful and I love Japanese scenery and food. I also got to learn some cultural features of Japan. Because it’s a level 0 book, the grammar are very easy, but I find it hard to understand all the kanjis, especially the names of the places mentioned. Overall, I recommend it to 日本語一年生 and people who are good at kanji.


この本はおもしろいと思います。エミさんとニナさんゆかたを買 ってお ぼんおどりに行きました。かんじとたん語がかんたんです。I really loved the art style, its simple and cute. There were a couple of words that I could not recognize but its still understandable through context. There were also some unfamiliar kanji but they were accompanied by the hiragana.  Overall, I highly recommend to level 0 readers.



I recommend this book! I would say the level of this book is 1.5, because it is more difficult than other 1 level books that I’ve read. The storyline is nice, with unexpected unfolding. It’s impressive for a book with a few pages to tell such a good story!