Japanese Tadoku Books by Students
Smith College Tadoku Project
このほんは おもしろいです。日本の食べものが すきです!
This book is about the different forms of soya beans. I did not know they were so many ways of cooking these, and I did not know Japanese people eat them under so many forms! 日本人が えだまめとしょうゆともやしとなっとうととうふとあぶらを 食べます。すごいです!
This book was really interesting and they even made なっとう cute! I would recommend it for beginners because it is easily understandable. Of course, some words are unknown but they are guessable with the context!
This is a very fun book. I just wonder why guys always mess thing up on dates. John san did, and Takeshi san did as well. Anyways, this is not a though book if you are good at knowing lots of kanji. The pictures in the book helps a lot in understanding the context as well. I recommend this to First-year Japanese students who want to challenge themselves in understanding kanji.
This book introduces history of sushi, history of sushi and simple ways to make sushi. とても面白いです!I learned how to eat sushi in a correct way. Although I eat a lot of sushi and love sushi, I didn’t know how to eat it appropriately until I read this book.
Vocabulary and sentence structures are a little difficult for Japanese beginners, because it contains a lot of kanji (while it is easy to understand for Chinese speakers). But I think 日本語一年生 can understand the content with these cute pictures.
This book is a great quick read, and I highly recommend it for Japanese 110 students. There is not a lot of text, and the illustrations really make the context clear. There is a solid amount of Katakana, with the Hiragana aids written above, so it is good practice for that. The story line was entertaining, and perfect for the holiday season!
I will definitely recommend this book, which is a well-known folktale, to the beginning learners of Japanese. It is quite helpful to review what we have learned since it covers a lot of phrases and new words we learned in the Genki textbook. The whole story is easy to read and readers can always figure out the meaning by simply looking at the illustration on each page. It also helps to review the grammar of the formation of adjective and verb conjugation.
Yes, I recommend this book to JPN110 students. The story is interesting and also helps students review the grammars learnt in class. There are some difficult kanji, but readers can still guess the meaning from illustrations.
This book is extremely easy! Because the vocabulary and kanji was easy to read, you won’t need a dictionary. I thought 「にわにわに?」was funnier than 「笑い話」. I didn’t expect the story to be this way. I thought that the woman lost her cat or something. I also enjoy the artwork. I recommend this book!
This story was very fun and pretty. Momotarou was very kind because he handed out tasty dango so nicely and was friendly to every person/animal he came by.
I recommend this book to anyone who likes adventure and weird stories. The sentence structure we have already learned there a couple of words you may need to look up but its a very doable reading. The drawings are very cool too.
Okay, so I know that the last book I reviewed was also a light-hearted children’s manga, but I still recommend this one too. Once again, the fact that it’s aimed at children means that it’s easy to follow even if you don’t understand every word. This has more of an ongoing story, but it’s still cute and not very serious, which is nice. Chi does have a tendency towards baby-talk, which can be a little confusing at times, but on the whole it’s still understandable and a fun read.