Hello, readers, and welcome to our second installment of the Lab School: A Journal of Insight & Inquiry from the Campus School at Smith College. As we reflect upon another school year, we find ourselves struck and humbled by the growth, insight, and authenticity to which we bear witness at the Campus School. Every year, from September to May, our students teach us. They teach us when they “take their writing to task” in the corner cubby of a classroom; when they “say yes” to a flag football game at recess; when they walk for equity and justice at the culmination of their Civil Rights unit. They teach us about persistence as they learn to tie their shoes, and about grace when– years later– they deliver carefully written graduation speeches at the podium of Helen Hills Hills Chapel. In this issue of our journal, we present six new articles that seek to capture and preserve these lessons, for although our students’ growth is rapid, their impact on our hearts and minds endures.
Happy reading!
Brittany Collins (CS alum ’08)
Rosetta Marantz Cohen, Professor of Education & Child Study
Sam Intrator, Professor of Education & Child Study
Co-founders of the Lab School journal