世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで



I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who love to read interesting stories that happened in Japan or in the world. In this book, three main stories are told. The first story is about a crime in which 300 million Japanese dollars were stolen. In the second story, a Canadian man was able to exchange a house with a big paper clip. The third story is about a cat thrown from sky by an eagle.


One Reply to “世界のどこかで 日本のどこかで”

  1. 私もこの本を読むことがあります。たくさん面白い話しがありますが、漢字と文法はちょっと難しいと思いました。私の一番好きな話しは最後の空から降ってきた子猫の話しです!とても暖かい話しですよ!ルジュンさんのオススメをありがとう!^^

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