これはとても簡単な本です、日本に対って数字を紹介しました。例えば、日本の人口や日本人の寿命など。 本の中は女の人は毎日3時間家の仕事をしますでも、男の人は18分だけだと言っていました。18分だけしますと何もしませんは違いますか?もっと 平等のほうがいいと思います。本は良かったです.
This book introduces the various aspects of Japan using numbers. Through numbers, a subject could be understood in a very direct and simple manner. This book gives statistical information on Japan’s population, people’s height, people’s longevity and so on. It mentioned that women in Japan do housework for an average for 3 hours, daily. The time spent on housework for men in Japan is about 18 minutes daily. It would be helpful for men in Japan to engage in more housework as well, which promotes the society in developing towards a healthy direction. From another angle, learning how to cook and perform other household duties are not only valuable survival skills for the individual, but also raises one’s own popularity as well. This book is not particularly interesting, but it is informative.