


I didn’t intend to read this whole thing, since it’s sort of a glossary of Japanese onomatopoeia, and very long. But it consists of little comics explaining the onomatopoeia, which I found to be fairly easy to understand – they use a lot of familiar vocab, and almost entirely familiar grammars, and they’re very simple. Plus, the book provides romaji and a translation, so you can check yourself as you go! I would definitely recommend this to 2nd years. (Plus, the pun in the title is just. So enticing.)

2 Replies to “オノマトペラペラ”

  1. 面白そうな本ですね。私も読んで見たいです。タイトルも面白いです。

  2. 私もオノマトペにきょうみがあります。今、「ゴロゴロ」とか「モチモチ」だけわかりますから、あまり日本語のオノマトペがわからないので、この本が読みたいです。私も日本語のオノマトペでぺらぺらになりたいです。

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