

大豆はかわい本です。ちさい本です。でも、おもしろかたですよ。This book explains the importance and functionality of the soybean in Japan. It contains colorful pictures that compliment the information nicely so if one doesn’t understand the reading, they’ll still be able to grasp the main idea by use of the illustrations.

I would recommend this book to my classmates. It’s not only a great exercise in practicing your Japanese skills, but also quite informative! The only qualm I have with this book is the lack of text to make sense of. Each page consists of only 1-2 sentences. However, the Japanese skills needed to understand this book are very fitting of the Japanese 1 class. Enjoy!


木村家の毎日「一郎、学校で (一ろう、がっこうで)」

この本は おもしろいです!かわいいです。ちょっと むずかしいです。この本が すきです。

Don’t be scared of the kanji in the title—this is a fun book to read! There are a lot of characters that fellow first-years probably won’t recognize, but there’s furigana, so, it’s not a problem. Additionally, there’s some phrases that are used that will seem a little odd / unfamiliar, but I think that’s just the difference from the kind of Japanese you’d read regularly to the sort you’d read in a textbook. Altogether, though, even if you don’t know every word, you’ll still get a good sense of what’s going on in the story and find it funny and cute. It’s definitely an enjoyable read. Give it a try!




This book is great for JPN 110 students. Some vocabulary is unfamiliar, but the story of the turtle and the hare may be familiar enough that one understands the context very well. It’s not too dense, and includes cute onomatopoeia words. At the end of the book, there’s even a little sing-along. Some grammar structures are familiar from class, so it’s good practice as well.




This one is fairly simple and I recommend it for both 1st Years and 2nd Years. There are a few unfamiliar verbs and nouns, but you can either understand them from context or skip over them with no real detriment to understanding. Also, it just might be the cutest book in the 子どもとよむ日本の昔ばなし series.




Comprehension of these short funny stories was pretty tough going for me. If other 2nd Years want a challenge, then I recommend this; but it’s probably better suited to 3rd Years. That being said, I only selected three of them this time around (there are many many short stories in this collection), so if you read any of the others, let me know what you think!


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I recommend this one maybe to second-semester first years. It has some unfamiliar verbs and nouns, but the plot line itself was very short and simple, as were the grammar structures. I don’t personally think it’s the most riveting of the mukashi banashi‘s, but the illustrations were cute, so it’s still worth a quick read!


この話が有名だと思います。 笠地蔵の話は教科書にもありました。 私は笠地蔵が好きです。 おばあさんとおじいさんはとても親切です。

I think this is a harder Level 1 book. There were some kanji we didn’t learn and overall there was more to read than the other Level 1 book, ハチの話. I recommend this for students who want to see more kanji we have learned in context because 笠地蔵 uses a good amount of the ones we have learned.



ウサギとカメ is a good entry level book. I borrowed it from the library and it’s a good book to read if you want something you may not need a dictionary to read. I read it on the bus home during spring break and it was fun to see a story I know in Japanese, especially the onomatopoeia



The book was short and, since I already knew some stuff about school in Japan, I didn’t learn anything new. It’s a good quick read perfect for level 0 and a good book to start the semester.


この本は難しいことではありませんでした。 私は本当にこれが好きだった。 ハチは可愛いし、先生はとても親切でした。 しかし、本は悲しかった。

I presented this book at the Japanese speech and essay contest. It’s a really good book and I highly recommend it! I usually read level 0 books but this was not hard. I recommend this as a book for students transitioning from level 0 to level 1.