

I recommend this book! I would say the level of this book is 1.5, because it is more difficult than other 1 level books that I’ve read. The storyline is nice, with unexpected unfolding. It’s impressive for a book with a few pages to tell such a good story!


この本はとても面白いです。王様はお金が大好きだったから、たくさん新しい服を買いました。二人の悪い男はうそをついて、服を作りました。二人は頭がいい人だけこの服を見えと言っていました。However, they made nothing, but 王様 was not willing to admit that he was not smart, he went out to the street wearing nothing. Only a child told the truth that the king was wearing nothing.

I recommend this book to classmates! This book teaches people to be honest and brave even under the “king”, just like what the children did. Although there are some new vocabularies and grammar points for now, it’s not hard to understand with the cute manga in the book.







I would recommend this book. It teachers readers about a part of Japanese history and reminds them to make sure someone will check on their pets and other belongings if they happen to die suddenly. – Lily Xiao



The book talks about a car accident that Suzuki bumped in. In the coma, he dreamt of his grandma. There are very moving conversations between them. At the end, he woke up in the hospital seeing his parents and realized that he was just in his dream, his grandma was dead.

There are new vocabs in the book, but all these vacabs are those we have read before, such as 明るい, which means bright. So I really recommend this book because it helps me review lots of words that I do not use frequentl



I think the book is a good review for how to say dates, time, and months. Because Yuki and Jyon made a mistake on the date of their Kabuki ticket, there are lots of conversation about date countings and seat number counting. Also, the second part of the book is mainly about Yuki and Jyon going to watch Kabuki show, so I really recommend this book to those who are interested in Kabuki because there are lots of pictures of Kabuki in the book.



この本は ジョンさんの一日を書きました。 ジョンさんのストーリーはとても面白いです。ジョンさんは 友だちとパーテイーでたくさんお酒お飲んだから、電車で寝ました。遅く学校に行きました。


I highly recommend this book, partly because it just reflects first year Japanese students’ daily life, getting up early for the 8am class but is so sleepy. Also, the part that the grandma on the train gives Jyon money to buy pants is also super funny.



This book was sort of difficult to read because there was a lot of non-Genki vocab in it. I had to look a lot of words up and it disrupted the flow of the story a bit. However, when I was reading it I was very curious what would happen next and I wanted to keep reading. I also really liked the drawings. I recommend it for people who don’t mind looking up vocab.


この本はかわいです。むずかしくなかったです。 私はこのねこが好きです!

The drawings/watercolors are really good. They were fun to look at.  It was a simple story and was easy to read. I don’t think there was any non-Genki vocab. I highly recommend this book.



The book doesn’t have difficult words and perfectly explains the new words with 可愛い drawings. Also, the plot features fairy tale exploration though it’s not fairy tale. I love it. I strongly recommend it to 一年生。The book looks so good and I think it can be published for kids and of course for Japanese learners.